stone252c2bdreams2b25262bvisionsAn array of soul searching spiritually uplifting songs of praise and worship by sanctuary singers which touched the hearts of entire congregation set the entire tune for the rest of day’s service. Heaven literally came down and the glory of God filled the souls of worshipers as they worshiped in the beauty of His holiness.
The man of God prophet S.M Dennis inspired souls of the congregants with his incisive and powerful message titled’ visions and dreams’. Figuratively describing this spiritual creation.The man of God said in reference to Genesis 1:1 God created the heavens and the earth.Heavens is the invisible world consisting of spirits.The heavens which is the world of spirits contains angles and demons while the earth which is world of living things contains man,plants and animals.
World of spirits
The man of God explained and expound that this is the world that cannot be seen from the physical world extracting the scripture from Genesis 6: 3 – 4.
The Invisible worldthe unseen world
According to Colossians 1: 16 God created the heavens and the earth, visible and invisible, thrones, dominions, principalities or powers for him and by him.
The message which opened the spiritual eyes and hearts of worshipers become a platform for critical self evaluation of individuals Christian’s life with sober reflection as could be seen in the profound calmness that encapsulated the worshipers. The man of God without mincing words emphatically stated that until one experiences God there can be no satisfaction in one’s life. A sense of hunger to know what dreams and visions is all about and how it can influence one’s life
The prophet began by defining what a dream entitles and the various types;
Dreams in reference to job 33:15 dreams normally come when one falleth asleep in slumbering upon bed then operation of the ears of men and sealeth their instructions. He expressed that dreams gives direction, portrays ones character and reflects one’s life.
Types of dreams
Empty fantasies:- these are dreams from operating within from her/his memories, emotions, residues of the days experiences.
Inspired dreams:- These are dreams which come as a result of physical, psychological problem, satanic or evil inspirations
True dreams:- these includes prophetic voices of the future and is a divine gift to the inspired and insightful
Shedding more spiritual illumination to the worshippers the prophet illustrated various languages and symbols of dreams these includes; a note, a message and warnings, we also see and experience characters, objects, places, feelings, animals, numbers and colours.


Visions is a spiritual direction to purposed individuals and a revelation from God.
On the necessity of adversities in human life the prophet raised the congregants understanding to know that ‘without visions people perish’ picking his proof text from proverbs Christians we must have time of prayer and fasting every week for us to be in a position of seeing visions.

Importance of visions
• It gives strength to endure hard times
• It’s a supernatural plan about our life
• It gives power to our daily walk with God
To further educate the worshipper’s prophet explained clearly that the only source of vision is the Holy Spirit and these can be succeeded through relaxing and seeking him the more.

The prophet inspired to souls these powerful and incisive messages by tabling out the result of divine visitation;
• It creates a new atmosphere which surrounds ones life
• It transforms a new revelation of the word-Isaiah 35-2
• A new revelation of the glory of the lord will come upon you
• God will strengthen you to do his works-Isaiah 35-3
• Gods miracles will be upon you
• Demons will not have an upper hand in your life
• Holiness will flourish in your life
Throughout his life he has discovered walking without vision is like walking dead meaning we are using our own power ,strength, which will later wear off and we will fall completely.When god leads you will have peace,protection,favour and mercy. He will make you righteous thou we don’t deserve.He encouraged the congregants to be vigilant in steps they take in life to avoid regrets and sorrows’ in life.
Moving to the prayer line he ministered prayer in power of the Holy Ghost and those whose bodies were burdened with sickness and diseases received healing .the possessed were set free from the evil spirit that held them captive. Those ones who felt far from god were made near through Gods word and by his spirit.

prayer – Dear lord Jesus give me the grace to see the unseen,possess the unseen,live in the unseen world,because what is unseen is permanent.

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