wereAt TSCON last Sunday on14th, June, 2015 was filled with Gods power following the emanating songs from sanctuary singers creating an atmosphere for word impartation. The man of God prophet S.M.Dennis mounted on the pulpit and engaged the congregants on this vital sermon THE PURPOSE OF HARD TIME.
‘Why does God allow hard time? ‘What is the importance of hard time?’ What is the difference between the hard times of a saved person and unsaved?’ The prophet explained this extracting his proof text from the book of Jonah1: 1 – 6, following his disobedience to Gods voice. He began by saying some problems and hard time we pass through, God allows them for his own reasons, he said most Christians only understand God on one side of him being good yet he is also a jealousy God .He continued to say in the walk of salvation there are two types of Christians –weak and strong. The strong Christians know Gods purpose in their life while weak don’t understand Gods purposes.
The powerful message amazed the congregants when the man of God revealed to them that most problems we are undergoing as Christian is to bring a fullness of faith. A hard time could be sickness, poverty, bankruptcy, broken marriage ,jobless, accidents among others ,as saved Christians these are not to finish us but to preserve/improve us for future glory and higher levels. He further said that the bible puts it clear that those whom he loves he will pass them through fire – 1 peter 1:7, he reminded the worshippers that the more the responsibility the more trials and temptation.
Backing up his proof text – Jonah 1:11 – 17 he elucidate that, when Jonah was thrown into the sea, God provided a great fish to swallow him and he was there for three days and nights, and he prayed to God and he heard him. The man of God, expounded further to say in our walk life with Jesus when we disobey, being unfaithful, greedy, not involving him in our plans he allows a ‘‘great fish’’ to swallow us, if we surrender and walk in his precepts then our hard time is shortened, but if we rebel our hard time takes a longer time, God is the only one who can take us out of our hard time, if he is involved, he will commanded the fish to vomit Jonah onto the dry land.
The prophet uttered that according to Romans 34: 7 when we get saved, angles are assigned to us for protection, blessings, healing; all we need is to maintain positive attitude for God to work in our life. He explained that we can’t run away from his presence, though hard times are there to make us know him, his presence there to bring liberty. He outlined what Gods presence entails as praying, forgiveness, obedience, worshipping him and waking as the spirit guides.
Concluding his sermon, he moved to the TSCON healing line and commanded out demons and evil spirit out of their lives, the captives were set free, the sick were healed, chains and yokes were broken in their lives under the influence of the holy spirit. What a son of God we have to worship.

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